
Case Study

Case Study: Incorporating Customer Feedback into Mobile App Re-design and Development

Precision farming. Farmer holding tablet for combine harvester guidance and control with modern automation system. Agronomist using online data management software generating yield maps at wheat field

Industry: Agriculture

Name: Parrish & Heimbecker Limited (P&H), Canada

Client’s Challenge

At the outset of the 2020 pandemic the client launched a mobile app to provide customers with a means to engage with and receive information from P&H digitally to reduce frequency of face-to-face consultation while maintaining a high level of service responsiveness. As customers became accustomed to using the mobile app, the client decided that it was a good time to connect with customers about their use of the app and learn what could be added to provide an even greater level of service and engagement. Rather than simply making updates that the client thought their customers would like, the company chose to seek feedback from the app user base to hear what the customers preferred for changes and additions to a new version of the P&H mobile app.


Prime46 created a two-tiered process for customer feedback to provide a high level of user engagement and assure strong confidence in accuracy of results. In Tier 1, Prime46 collaborated with the client to conduct focus group research with customers across the major markets served. The results from the Tier 1 focus groups provided a foundation of key needs to pursue for the new mobile app. With Tier 1 results in hand, Prime46 built out Tier 2 as an online survey inviting ALL mobile app users from across Canada to participate. The Tier 2 survey allowed for a larger audience to provide feedback on and rank proposed additions to the app, and to share ideas on other potential future improvements to the P&H app.


The two-tiered process provided the client with direct customer feedback that identified key needs for mobile app function changes and additions while also validating findings among its large user base and delivering a high level of confidence in results.

  • Focus groups participation from 17 farming communities across four Canadian provinces:
    • Feedback comparisons to 11 different competitive apps and mobile websites
    • Discussion revealed top 8 specific likes (functions to keep/not change) on the app
    • Discussion revealed 17 potential future functionality changes to the mobile app
    • Results from 3 proposed program improvements tested among user groups
  • Online survey participation from 970 respondents across five Canadian provinces:
    • High audience engagement = Confidence level of 99.9% with a +/- 5% margin of error
    • Opportunity to segment results by size of farm, app functions used, age of respondents and more
    • Effective ranking and identification of highest priority needs for app improvements (top 10) for next app version
    • Identification of 12 additional future improvements for consideration for future app versions
    • Measurable results from 3 proposed program improvements tested among user groups
    • Additional insights generated related to customer experience and engagement with P&H beyond the mobile app


The investment that the client made in customer research provides a high level of confidence in what changes to make to a new version of the mobile app. The client feels that the data from the customer research will be extremely valuable to informing the re-design process and will provide a higher ROI in their mobile app programming investment.