Overcome data challenges

Are you struggling to make strategic decisions due to a lack of accurate, comprehensive data?


Undergraduate enrollment declines continue

How are you growing your student population in a shrinking market?


A four-year degree may not be right for everyone

How do you attract students that are a good match for your programs?

Industry Knowledge Builds Trustworthy Results

When experience matters.

Driving K-12 and Higher Education Forward with Data-Driven Solutions
In the complex landscape of education, challenges abound, and opportunities often lie hidden beneath the surface. At Prime46, we pair these intricate challenges with our comprehensive market research solutions, empowering both K-12 and higher education institutions to transform challenges into opportunities.

Prime46 stands strong in the realm of data services, offering affordable, high-quality solutions. Our mission is to overcome the barriers of incomplete, erroneous, and subpar information that impedes informed decision-making by school boards and superintendents.

  • For K-12 Education: We tailor our services to the unique needs of smaller school districts, promoting robust operational planning and decision-making.
  • For Higher Education: We provide actionable insights, enabling institutions to understand their competitive landscape, potential growth areas, and evolving student behaviors.

Through it all, we partner with you to craft approaches to problems or opportunities. Be it enrollment, marketing, or audience engagement, our strategists and analysts provide an objective point-of-view, helping your team assess, evaluate, prioritize, and clarify strategies. With Prime46, gain the strategic insights you need for confident decision-making.

Whether you’re a K-12 school or a higher education institution, Prime46 is committed to providing the experience and data-driven solutions you need. Ready to transform your institution with confidence?

Research Capabilities

Our depth of research and consulting in the education and skills training industry will help uncover insights for your brand.

We Work With The Best In The Industry

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